This is a website of our Smokin Guns Clan Fighting Ducks (| ~FD ~ |).
On this page you can find information about us.
Currently, we still search members who want to join our clan. We have 6 places in our Clan. With the Leader and the Co-Leader and our new members we have only 1 place free. We would welcome experienced and good members who want to join us. What you have to do for this do you find about the topic "Fighting Duck's-Clanrules".
We have yet another new good Member in after Gunny and Marco entered Sea! ,too
Welcome Sea!
Okay we have a new topic in our gallery...1st in jeux.When someone from the FD's were 1st in FD and have a screenshot, than he can send it to me and i will put the sreen in the gallery.
Happiness to send :D
The FD clan has now his own ts server. But I (hyper) have a dynamic IP so the IP can change sometimes. If this is the case, I will write it again. And the server isnt unfortunately ever online (I still have no server pc). So when my PC is only on, the server is on. But that still holds always: D.